"Spectacle Lynchings"

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Pilot Point in 1898

April 28 - PP burns a Spaniard in effigy

July 16 - Rolly Parks found dead, naked, and bruised alongside the railroad tracks near Aubrey

July 16 - Baptists start a convention at Aubrey

July 20 - DMN reports JP Selman is doing an inquest but the results aren't known to DMN

July 24 - JP Selman is in town in Aubrey, perhaps for the Baptist Convention

August 1-5 - Sometime this week, George Strong (white) was arrested and charged for the murder of Freeman White (Black) in Shreveport in 1887.

August 5 - Shreveport Sheriff takes George Strong to LA to face charges for killing Black man in 1887.

August 5 - Bomb placed under "negro hangout" on PP square with lit fuse

Around August 13 - 2 Black men allegedly beat 2 white boys in PP

August 14 - Around this date, placards are placed around PP telling Black people to gather their families and leave by 7/20

August 15 - Black citizens of PP led by CC Trimble pass a resolution condeming bad action by Black citizens and promise to help police them if the whitecapping threat doesn't fix the problem

August 16 - White citizens of PP have a meeting distancing themselves from the whitecapping notices and promise to be law abiding

August 18 - More whitecapper notices appear around town and several Black citizens receive letters telling them to leave.

August 20 -

AM: Sheriff Hawkins and CA Sullivan went to PP and Sullivan says no trouble is coming

PM: Hawkins and City Marshall Fry go back to PP and haven’t returned yet as of print time at DMN

August 22 - Report from DMN: Nothing happened on 8/20 but no Black people were in the streets

August 23 - Sam Ward in Oakdale was killed by a Wagon (suspicious)

November 7 - JP Selman is in Denton from PP